The reform process initiated in 1993 and carried out over the past 17 years has dramatically improved our performance. Phnom Penh residents on average consume 108 liters/capita/day of water with a 24/7 ensured supply and metered connections. Industrial use is 6,976,346 cubic meters in 2009 out of the total use of 84, 754,045 cubic meters.

PPWSA fully recovers its operations costs and is now making a profit while continuously increasing coverage to outer Phnom Penh. Even though people are now paying for the water they actually consume, per capita daily water consumption has nearly doubled.

Now, at PPWSA, the word "impunity" does not exist; everyone is responsible for their work, and staff efficiency has increased accordingly.

"In 1993," says Roeun Nary, Director of Human Resources, "an 18 person staff per 1,000 connections was considered an efficient ratio. In 2013, we have 2.71 staffs per 1,000—we are much more efficient."

From 1993 until 1999, JICA provided capacity building for the Human Resources department and UNDP, World Bank, and ADB provided short-term technical assistance. Since 1999, each department makes a one-year plan, which they now implement through teamwork—not outsourcing. As part of the reforms, managers were given clear job descriptions and direct responsibility and a new organization chart was drawn up to reflect more defined roles within the authority.

For 2020, our GD has made an ambitious plan he wants to have ? staffs per 1,000 connections. He wants to help the provincial waterworks to achieve what we have achieved in Phnom Penh.

Our operations were also made more efficient by overhauling the old infrastructure and streamlining the billing process, among a slew of new measures. Because of these reforms, we have widened our distribution network from serving 40% of Phnom Penh with clean and affordable water in 1993 to over 85% in 2013. Other improvements include establishing a complete consumer database, a long-terms plan to reduce NRW to ?% by 2020, improving collections, metering all of the utility's water supply coverage, and introducing a 24/7 water supply.

20Staff / 1,000 connections
65,000Production capacity, m3/day 0
N/AWater quality
20%Coverage area %
10 hr/dSupply duration hr/d
0.2 barSupply pressure bar
26.881Number of connections 0
72%NRW %
48%Collection efficiency
150%Operation ratio=(Total Operating Expense/Total Revenue)*100 ?%
N/AReturn on revenue=Net Income - Tax on Profit ?%
N/AReturn on net fixed asset=(Net Income - Tax on Profit)/(Net Fixed Asset)*100 ?%
N/ACurrent ratio=Current Asset/Current Liability times
N/ADebt service coverage=(Net Income + Interest Expense + Depreciation)/(Interest Expense & Principle pay in year) times
N/AAccounts receivable=(Total Water Receivable / Total Water Sale)*365 days